
GoonGames Winners Announced Week Ending 5/28

Welcome to Glaxon's GoonGames, A weekly Trivia Game hosted by Blair on our Instagram. Play Games, Win Prizes, Learn Sh!t.

Rules Recap:

4 Days, 4 Questions.

Answer a question a day on @IamGlaxon Instagram story.

- You must answer all 4 questions correctly

- Question 4 MUST be answered via your insta-story. You MUST tag @IamGlaxon for your Q4 answer to be submitted

- The first person to answer all 4 questions correctly including the final question wins free product, gear, or swag

- You can only win 1st once (winners will enter a "best of the best" contest to be held later)

The Winner of each week trivia will be announced the following Monday via our Website or Supplement Lab YouTube

This week’s GoonGames was themed around Slyce!

Here’s Joey’s full breakdown of Serenity on the Supplement Lab YouTube channel:


Q1: Brown fat cells are..

Answer: All of the Above: Highly metabolically active, efficient at burning calories, keeps animals warm

Brown fat is composed of several small lipid droplets and a large number of iron-containing mitochondria; The iron, along with lots of blood with tiny blood vessels gives the fat an actual brown appearance. The purpose of brown fat is to burn calories to generate hear (hence the last selection.) Brown fat is often referred to as “good fat” because it helps us burn and not store. Brown fat is derived from muscle tissue and is found primarily in hibernating animals and newborns. After we age, the quantity of our body’s brown fat significantly decreases. Adults who have comparatively more brown fat in their bodies, tend to be younger, slender, and have normal insulin levels. You generate brown fat by exercising: your white fat cells with convert into more metabolically active brown fat. There are other ways to help boost this mechanism: get enough high-quality sleep (producing proper melatonin influences production of brown fat) and exposing yourself to the cold regularly (this is why Cryo is so popular!)

Here’s an interesting YouTube video about what brown fat is:

Q2: Sulbutiamine can

Answer: Reduce Fatigue and Boost Energy

Sulbutiamine is normally used to help reduce fatigue, enhance athletic performance, and boost energy levels in humans. It is a man-made chemical like vitamin b1 (commonly known as Thiamine,) is water and fat-soluble, and can increase Thiamine levels in the brain. Also, because Sulbutiamine can increase Thiamine levels in the brain, it can also be called a stimulant to increase energy.  Many studies have indicated that Sulbutiamine can also have neurotropic action. A 1985 study on rats indicated that long term administration of Sulbutiamine helps improve long term memory formation in mice. Sometimes having a Thiamine deficiency has been known to produce memory dysfunction and cognitive disorders in animals. It’s no shock that Sulbutiamine can help increase those Thiamine levels that are depleted while helping decrease memory disfunction.
Accordingly, mice received 300 mg/kg of Sulbutiamine daily for 10 days. They were then submitted to an appetitive operant level press conditioning test. When compared to control subjects, Sulbutiamine treated mice learned the task at the same rate in a single session but showed greatly improved performance when tested 24 hours after the partial acquisition of the same task.
There was a parallel neurochemical investigation that showed the treatment induced a significant increase in hippocampal sodium-dependence high-affinity choline uptake.


Study linked here


Q3: Aframomum Melegueta is commonly known as

Answer: All of the above: Grains of Paradise, Alligator Pepper, Guinea Grains

Aframomum Melegueta has a lot of different names to identify it. It is most popularly known as, grains of paradise. This species is in the ginger family, Zingiberaceae, and very closely related to cardamom. Aframomum is native to West Africa; West Africa is known as the Pepper Coast or Grain Cast because of this community and because pepper is an important cash crop in Basketo district of southern Ethiopia. Grains of paradise is a remarkably diverse ingredient, to say the least. It is known to be a digestive aid, an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidizing, anti-microbial, and much more. Although those traits are all fine and dandy, we have put this ingredient in Slyce for another reason: For helping reduce body fat! In a study I’ve linked below, Scientists reported that a single ingestion of Grains of Paradise will increase energy expenditure through the activation of brown adipose tissue; this is the site of sympathetically medicated metabolic thermogenesis. The results they found suggested that Grains of Paradise extract may be an effective and safe tool for helping humans reduce body fat by preventing visceral fat accumulation!


Study linked here!


Q4: What American City is Glaxon based out of!

We are based out of Houston, Texas! We also accepted the answer Goon City! ;-)


Week of May 25- May 28

@IamGlaxon Instagram Story Game Show Winners

1st – @ThomasMotes

2nd – @Garcm235

3rd – @suppguy.rob


1st Slyce + Thermal + Tie Dye Goon Cit shirt

2nd Hybrid + Sample Kit

3rd: SuperShroom

WINNERS: Please contact us on the @iamGlaxon Instagram account and provide us with your name, shipping address and email!

Supplement Lab video:


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